Saturday 21 June 2008


Unveiling Social Political References in JAMES JOYCE’S EVELYN

Authors: Calderon, Eduardo, Medina, Jesus, Medina Rhonny, Gonzalez Nuvia


When approaching any literary text it is necessary to take into account several levels of meaning that comprise psychological, emotional, historical, geographical, social and political features. These features will allow the reader to understand and recreate the context that surrounds the text.

The purpose of this research paper is to understand the link between society and literature in the story “Evelyn” by James Joyce. To do so the research was based on four hypothesis: one hypothesis claims that Literature reflects Society, a second hypothesis that Literature shapes Society, a third hypothesis that Literature stabilize and maintaining the social order and finally the idea of Literature of rebellion against social phenomena.

After doing this research paper we have found the fact that Literature and Society are not separated entities. They are exactly the opposite, an inseparable tandem. In fact, every literary work, no matter the genre, is a product of the interaction between a writer and his or her social background. Fiction has an incredible power, one that, often is not clearly perceived. It is not only possible but sometimes inevitable to express through fiction feelings that involve the world that people made of flesh and bone inhabit or inhabited in a specific period of time.

Keywords: literature, society, allegory, symbol, sociology.



Authors: Villarroel, Luis, Velásquez Miriannys, Rodríguez Maurely


Bobbie Ann Mason, an American writer from the southern part of the U.S, tries to change through her stories the typical feminine pattern that has been given to women. In her work “Shiloh and Other Stories” we can observe how the roles change and the importance that she gives to women as being free to choose whatever they want in their lives in order to be happy and self-sufficient.

Some feminist approaches were studied in order to understand the traditional way in which women are projected in Literature by the writer Bobbie Ann Mason. In this way we have the opportunity to examine her cultural background and the elements that influenced her writing style, and also some characteristics of Southern USA Literature. Besides, a linguistic model (Halliday’s) was applied to the short story “Shiloh” to observe the different linguistic processes that evidence feministic features in the story.

Key words: women, feminism, culture, roles, changes, freedom, selfhood.


Authors:Daniela Albino, José Zapata, Ana Patete.


The learning and teaching of English as a foreign language do not only mean the acquisition of another language but also the learning of other cultures. It is true that the Anglo- Speaking culture is diverse, so it means that through the learning and teaching of English, students should have knowledge about each Anglo- Speaking Culture. Moreover, the syllabus that the specialization of English is concerned with emphasises the American and British Culture.

Through the application of a survey it was found hat the majority of the EFL students at the IPM have poor knowledge about some Anglo-Speaking cultures, and that students knew more about US culture and literature than any other English speaking country. For that reason we chose a writer from an English Speaking country different from the dominant ones: Margaret Atwood who elevates Canadian literature and culture through her work. In this paper we studied three of her works: the poems “The Explorers” and “The Animals in That Country” and one of her short stories “There Was Once”, because they reflect some of her common themes. Through her literary works, we could realize that literature is a shining path to meet a culture, so we can learn a lot about Canada through her literary texts.

Keywords: literature, culture, multiculturalism.

All what Daphne never said in Rebecca.

Author: Freddy O’Rea Lanz


Rebecca generally tends to be labeled as an example of gothic British literature. Far beyond accepting this generic description of the novel as a whole, some little arguments can reasonably exist between the characters, because they seem to have evolved into a repression of their own memories; it sometimes seems less as if they simply refuse to reveal anything about their past life and more as if they truly cannot remember anything about it. That probably is the reason of the reveal of some psychological features that will be going to plumb the depths of their memories, forced into the subconscious as a result of extraordinary emotional trauma. This work claims to expose how some common underlying actions of the characters must be recognized as a consequence of inner or hidden feelings that were not written by the author, but they could be particularly intended by her.

Keywords: Gothic literature, psychological features, thoughts, subconscious.

“Mythological aspects in “Child, Maiden, Woman, Crone” written by Terry Bramlett

Authors: Eylin Carolina Prado, Kellys Desire Infante


In this paper, we will analyze the story “Child, Maiden, Woman, Crone” written by Terry Bramlett. Based on the Mythological Approach, we will point out and compare some elements of the Navajo culture, beliefs and myths portrayed in the story. Because of the presence of those elements in the story, we can conclude that there is an interconnection between fantasy and reality.

Key words: Mythological Approach, Navajo culture, myth, reality, fantasy.


Authors: Alejandra Rivas, Selva Urbaneja, Yugilver Soto.


In this paper we analyzed the idea of fate presented in the story “The Merchant and the Alchemist's Gate” by Ted Chiang. To do so, we compared extracts from the story to the Christian and Islamic positions towards fate. In the end, we can say that the idea of fate presented in the story has strong coincidences with the idea of fate from the Islamic religion.

Key Words: Fate, Christians, Islamic.


Authors:Isveni Areyán, Eduardo Cabeza.


“Love and Friendship” by Jane Austen is a short story related to the different situations that happened in Laura’s life (the protagonist), all of them connected to morality and the art of living together. These elements play an important role in this short story and they will be analyzed, along with the cultural, political and economical aspects through the sociological approach.

Keywords: Morality, The art of living together, Society, Culture.

Alienation, Loneliness and Depression in Pictures of the Ice by Alice Munro.

Authors:Bastardo Nataly, Granado Diana, Patete Ana Karina.


In this paper we will analize Pictures of the Ice by Alice Munro from a psychological aspect.

We will focus on Austin Cobbett, the main character, who shows his personalities from the point of “loneliness, depression and alienation”.

Key words: psychological, loneliness, depression and alienation.


Authors: Naila Gil, Walesska Guerra.


In this paper, we analyzed the social relationships in the story “Fannie and Annie” by using a social approach. We know that since many years, class struggle has been a controversial topic that seems to be a virus that affects people socially and psychologically. The desire of overcoming, the constant struggle for living better, the hope that is never lost, and the denying to belong to a low social level, etc. These are some of the elements in “Fanny and Anny”. But, it is not only society the one that is portrayed in this story; individuals are also depicted in terms of their different life styles, manners, customs, and education. In short this paper attempts to portray how social and psychological aspects affect people’s lives in this story.

Key words: psychological elements, life styles.

A definition of humanity by a non human:

The evolution of the existence of a robot into human life.

Author: Hector Escalona-IPC


Andrew perceives things as a human being; he feels, just in the ways human beings do; he has loved, which all humans have also done. However, Andrew has a positronic brain, a super machine instead of the complex organic grey mass all people have, and just to make things worse, Andrew cannot die; he has been made, not conceived. Then, how can such a being lead us towards a path of understanding of the true nature of being human? The Bicentennial Man, a science fiction master piece by Isaac Asimov, is the story which shows us such character, making use of a variety of devices to contrast the features that are typically associated with the human existence, and the importance of feelings and emotions in the creation of a personality and the establishment of relationships.

This story makes us realize about our human condition in all the possible dimensions. In that way, this author attempts to make people think about the essential meaning of life, and makes us consider if we, as human beings, are able to perceive life as Andrew, a robot, does. Hence, to analyze this story turns into a great exercise in how to detach from our own selves to truly regard that which makes us human

Key words: human values, feelings, life.

Language and Reality (On the Semiotic Potential of Language)

Author:Viktor Carrasquero-IPC


Many have attempted to define reality. The task of conceptualizing such term has been of key interest to theoreticians of all fields of study from time immemorial. Literature, as the natural means of society to represent the meanings that make up its reality, is also concerned with the multiple ways in which language can be used and, in fact, is used to portray the human experience. But then, in the light of the academic background supporting the emergence of a so-called ‘theory of literature’ is it possible to get to a concept of reality, as understood from a social-semiotic perspective of language? Indeed, language seems to be the real means through which all reality, whether abstract or concrete, is constructed. Let us explore the possibilities of defining reality through language and, on the way, try to find out how relevant such concept is for literature, as the social means to convey and understand the semiosis of the cultural acts of men.

Key words: language, reality, concept of reality.


Author:Patricia Meléndez-IPC


A characteristic feature defining Contemporary Literature is the representation of all possible realities of the existent world, where poetry arises as a genre that aims at compelling the reader to “reason” (more than simply read) about the piece of literary work as it develops. In fact, short poems, as they are made up of few stanzas, consisting mainly of one or two verses with plain language, are the pieces of poetry which trigger the reader to speculate and analyse more in depth the message in the given piece of literary work. The short poem Résumé, written by the American writer Dorothy Parker, brings to the foreground a tough and even miserable reality regarding ways of suicide attempts, and how a person’s life can be defined just by following a synopsis, résumé or curriculum vitae (as we know) of such attempts. Furthermore, when carrying out an in-depth analysis of Résumé we find an inevitable biographical touch all over the piece of poetry.

Key words: Contemporary Literature, suicide.


Author: Profa. Jimenez Yenny -IPM


To acquire a foreign language is a hard task in which the teachers have an important role due to provide all necessary material that the students need for being in contact with the language. For that reason, to use literature in the EFL classrooms could be so useful. However we have to keep in mind that nowadays students tend to get bored when they read a written text, so because of that, literature has joined hands with the cinematographic world. Through them, we as teachers can find the way that the students develop the four principal skills for the language acquisition (speaking, reading, writing and listening and comprehension). Using literature and the movies in the EFL classroom are so useful because the student can learn to analyze language in context, taking in consideration the images, sounds, colors, light, stages that aren’t in an audio- visual way in the written text but in a movie projection. Combining the audio- visual aspects in an English class, the teacher can catch more attention from the students. For this presentation, I studied the movies IL Postino, The Others, into others.

Key Words: foreign language- literature- cinematography- teaching and learning.


Author:Profa. Jimenez Yenny -IPM


La narrativa hispanoamericana se ha visto influenciada por diferentes sucesos históricos, políticos, sociales y económicos, que se suscitaron a nivel de todo el mundo en general. Estas situaciones de represión social y despotismo, dieron lugar en Hispanoamérica a una narrativa orientada hacía la exaltación de identidad nacional y la memoria histórica. Los escritores hispanoamericanos añadieron a su escritura el uso de elementos que le permitieran, por medio de la narrativa, hacer referencia a hechos o situaciones que dieron forma a su real existencia como hispanos, ya sea utilizando elementos reales o irreales o creando un juego con los narradores y su psiquis, es decir, haciendo uso de la ficción y no ficción para mimetizar situaciones relacionadas con la existencia de la naciones de hoy en día. Asimismo los escritores añadieron a su escritura nuevos elementos que los caracterizaran, y uno de ellos fue la brevedad o concreción del texto. Por ello, para esta investigación se utilizó un cuento del escritor chileno Urbina José, de tan sólo 7 líneas denominado Padre Nuestro que Estas en los Cielos (1979).

Palabras Claves: Narrativa – cultura- sociedad- identidad- existencia.


Author:Bastardo E. Maeba A


A lo largo de la historia el hombre ha utilizado la escritura para trasmitir sus sentimientos, ideas, sueños, quejas y sobre todo plasmar sus miedos. En la narrativa conseguimos un género que ha dado esa oportunidad, la novela. La novela, viene a ser ese medio por donde el hombre se escapa de la realidad y se inventa otra a través de sus personajes, a través de una historia, a través de una fantasía salpicada de realidad. Temas como la vida, la muerte, la realidad, el amor son plasmados por autores para drenar sus conflictos internos y los de otros. Para comienzos del siglo XX surgen en Latinoamérica un grupo de nuevos narradores que rompen con los esquemas tradicionales, caracterizándose por su libertad creadora, la falta de arraigo al pasado, la adscripción a las tendencias más vanguardistas y la ruptura de todos los moldes. Allí surge Carlos Fuentes, escritor y ensayista mexicano. En su narrativa encontramos una exquisita liga donde lo fantástico colinda con lo real. Es en Aura, uno de sus mejores textos, que podemos encontrar de forma breve, pero sumamente interesante estas nuevas tendencias de la literatura latinoamericana. Esta investigación se basa en una Percepción de Aura, done se busca en forma general las características que la identifican con el momento histórico literario.

Palabras Claves: Realidad, Fantasía, Tiempo, Magia, Vida, Muerte.




This research paper is focused on some Geographical, Economical, Political, Social, Cultural and Literary aspects of Salem; besides we will mention some of the most important events which occurred in the History of that city. Also, we will be describing in a short way, the life of one of the most important writer from Salem: NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE. And at the same time, we will be analyzing two of the most relevant works of this author; such as: “YOUNG GOODMAN BROWN” and “THE MINISTER´S BLACK VEIL”. We really hope this investigation fills the expectation of all those people who have the opportunity to read it.

Key words: Puritanism, witchcraft, hypocrisy, religious context, romanticism.

Felix Oporte-IPC


Most tales, stories and short stories, among others, although they are intended to portray the ways of living of the different places in the world they make reference to, they generally focus more on criticizing the social aspect of the culture being described. To illustrate, the Bicentennial Man, by Isaac Asimov, is an allegory which focuses on how the life of a robot (Andrew) develops along with the evolution he goes through to become a real man. In addition, it can be seen how the society in the story reacts to his wish and his struggle to be part of it no matter what. This way, it is noticed how Asimov relates the fashion in which some people try to become part of their societies and the things they do, that can be even ridiculous at times.
Key words: human values, man, society, pattern.

The concept of women through the analysis of Doris Lessing Stories “To Room Nineteen” and “Winter in July”

Author: María Victoria Moreno-IPC


This presentation is an analysis of Doris Lessing’s stories “Winter in July” and “To Room Nineteen” which will attempt to provide a fundamental concept of women and their role in contemporary British society as portrayed by the stories’ main female characters. This presentation is designed to highlight the inevitable interaction between culture, language and society (literature and society). Besides, we will also use the above mentioned stories to demonstrate how universality enhances the applicability of literary works. Therefore, we will attempt to revise real life in the stories and how the concepts suggested in them can be reflected in the case of Venezuelan women today.

Key words: women, social life, interaction, culture.